A cervical pillow can be used to help support your neck while you sleep. If you have neck pain, you can make your own cervical roll. OR...you can get a Neck Hero!
Neck pain can be a scary experience that can limit your ability to work, drive, or sleep normally. If you develop neck pain, a visit to your physical therapist may be in order to help you manage your symptoms. Sometimes treatments and modalities like cervical traction may be necessary to help get pressure off of your cervical nerves.
If you haveneck pain, it is important that you take steps to self-manage your condition. These steps may include performing specific exercises for your neck and learning how tosit with proper posture.
While sitting with proper posture is important,sleepingwith your neck in the proper position is equally important. Using the right pillow with the right support can help keep your neck in proper alignment and can help you quickly decrease or eliminate your neck pain and get you back to your normal activities.
Supporting Your Neck While Sleeping
Your neck is comprised of 7 bones called vertebrae, and these bones normally form a slight forward curve called a lordosis. Maintaining that forward curve in your neck is important while you treat your neck pain. It can help take pressure offspinal discsand nerves.
A simple way to support your neck while sleeping is to use acervical roll. A cervical roll, also known as a neck roll or cervical pillow, is a small pillow placed in your pillowcase that supports your neck while you sleep. The cervical roll helps to provide the right amount of support for your neck to help keep it in alignment while lying in bed.
You can purchase a cervical roll online or at a local pharmacy for about $20 (US). You can also contact your local physical therapist to help you obtain a cervical roll.
Making Your Own Cervical Roll - Save yourself the pain and stiffness of this method and get a Neck Hero!
Making a cervical roll to support your neck while you sleep is simple to do. Here's how you do it:
Obtain a bath or beach towel.
Fold the towel in half.
Starting on one side of the towel, roll it up until your towel looks like a roll about the length of your pillow.
Slide your rolled up towel into your pillowcase along the lower edge.
When you place your head on your pillow, the rolled up towel should support your neck. You should feel a slight pressure on the back of your neck when you lie on your back. Your towel roll will also help to support your neck when you lie on one side or the other, as it will help to fill in the space between your head and shoulder. If you have neck pain, it is usually not recommended you sleep on your stomach.
OUCH! If you have ever tried this DIY method, you know that after just a short amount of time, it gets very uncomfortable! The towel has no inherent softness and feels hard very quickly. Why DIY when you can Neck Hero?! Your best solution for neck support!
Exercise and postural correction are essential components of your treatment for neck pain, and finding the right sleeping posture can help you quickly eliminate your pain. Of course, if your neck pain persists, worsens, or is accompanied by arm weakness or numbness and tingling, a visit to your doctor may be in order to assess the cause of your neck pain.
Neck pain can cause you to lose sleep, as it may prevent you from falling to sleep or remaining asleep. While sleeping, you must find a way to keep your neck in the optimal position, and this may be accomplished with a cervical roll.
By taking the time to make your own cervical roll, you may provide your neck with the right support while you sleep. This can help you quickly and safely manage your own neck pain and help you return to your previous level of function.